I built RecEasy by going through the SAP.io Program. I was offered a place on their program and $120,000 investment. I can bring this mindset into a SAP Partner and help them to build their own products. Product revenue has huge potential and a SAP Partner owning their own IP will bring a new revenue stream.
Huge amount of synergies with a SAP Partner turning current client conversations into further revenue opportunities.
SAP App Centre; SAP AEs; Audit firms all channels I can expand on.
The Experience Gained in Building RecEasy
The connections, the sales pipeline, the experience, and a new product to increase the top line.
In depth knowledge and comprehension of this space now: Know what works.
Four years in Audit and Twelve years in Month End Close using SAP, SAP COE set up and S4 Implementations.
The Product
RecEasy is currently on the SAP App Centre and we are a SAP Certified Product. We are connected with 100s of SAP AEs and engaging with them to help their clients.
Features of RecEasy used to automate further for a SAP Partner clients. See Full Feature list and RecEasy Demo.
Allowing a client to automate finance tasks around month end such as automated rec report, variance analysis, transaction reviews instantly catching errors before books close, cleaning up accounts, audit checks, automated journals.
Utilise SAP Partner skill sets to scale and roll out the product to clients instantly.