RecEasy – SAP-Certified- Reconciliation Expert

SAP Partners

Innovation and Product Revenue

  • I built RecEasy by going through the Program.  I was offered a place on their program and $120,000 investment. I can bring this mindset into a SAP Partner and help them to build their own products. Product revenue has huge potential and a SAP Partner owning their own IP will bring a new revenue stream.
  • Huge amount of synergies with a SAP Partner turning current client conversations into further revenue opportunities.
  • SAP App Centre; SAP AEs; Audit firms all channels I can expand on.

The Experience Gained in Building RecEasy

  • The connections, the sales pipeline, the experience, and a new product to increase the top line.
  • In depth knowledge and comprehension of this space now: Know what works.
  • Four years in Audit and Twelve years in Month End Close using SAP, SAP COE set up and S4 Implementations.

The Product

  • RecEasy is currently on the SAP App Centre and we are a SAP Certified Product. We are connected with 100s of SAP AEs and engaging with them to help their clients.
  • Features of RecEasy used to automate further for a SAP Partner clients. See Full Feature list and RecEasy Demo.
  • Allowing a client to automate finance tasks around month end such as automated rec report, variance analysis, transaction reviews instantly catching errors before books close, cleaning up accounts, audit checks, automated journals.
  • Utilise SAP Partner skill sets to scale and roll out the product to clients instantly.